Staff Blog: Daytime + Sunset Photoshoot!

Hey! It’s Zarifah again, back with another blog post!

This time, I thought I’d write a differently-styled blog than my usual. I realize I’m usually very lecture-y and informative about Japanese and Okinawan culture, or about our photoshoot packages. 😅 But this time I’ll take you guys through a photoshoot I was a part of!

L-R: Our videographer Teru, Mr & Mrs U, photographer Kakeru, and me!

Today’s couple are Mr & Mrs U from Kanagawa Prefecture, which is right next to Tokyo. They came all the way to Okinawa for their pre-wedding photoshoot.

Here in Japan, couples typically take their wedding photos before their actual wedding, so that they can use the photos and videos as part of their ceremony and reception. Mr & Mrs U will be holding their ceremony in a couple of months, so they chose to take a little trip to get their photos done!

When you first come to our studio, we typically have a chat to go through the schedule for the day, after which preparations for the shoot will start:

  • Trying on & choosing outfits
  • Bride’s hair & makeup
  • Groom’s hair & makeup
  • Styling & final touches

Unfortunately, we don’t have photos for these 😅 But that happened! And it’s finally time to head out!

But before that! Our bride wanted a photo with her dress in the shape of a heart, so we did that in our yard!

Ok now, let’s head out ☺️

It was a pretty cloudy day in April, in a period of time where we’re so close to Tsuyu (rainy season), that the skies constantly threaten to rain 🥲 Our couple actually had “晴れお守り” or Japanese amulets that pray for sunshine. Thanks to their amulets, it didn’t rain at all in their shoot!

To the beach~

The couple were at our Seaside Yaka studio, which has a private beach just steps away from the front door.

Our couple started of a little bit shy, but they warmed up really quickly to our photographer and videographer!

A big plus of our Seaside Yaka studio is that the beach is both sandy and rocky! The rocky side makes for gorgeous and adventurous photos.

After their beach photoshoot, they headed back to the studio for a wardrobe change! Let’s take a look!

Dress 91 & Tuxedo 33

From the classic white & beige daytime look to the gorgeous black & navy outfits for the sunset!

Tuxedo 38 & Dress 71

Now let’s head to Zanpa Lighthouse for the Sunset Photoshoot!

A friendly cat joins our couple

Remember our couple’s amulet I was talking about? Well, as we were driving from our Seaside Yaka studio to the Zanpa Lighthouse, it was pouring rain like crazy! We sat in our cars for about 20 mins and took a little break, and in that time, the rain miraculously stopped ⛅️

Because it had just rained, our couple had the whole area to themselves! If you take a look at their video below, you’ll see how wonderfully empty it was, just for the two of them 💙

Let’s keep looking at the photos! Our couple followed the path all the way to the cliffside.

Quite the exhilarating sight

And of course, a shot with the lighthouse is a must! Starting from the one in the field from far away.

Walking hand-in-hand
Oh, hi 💜

The also crossed a gorgeous succulent field to get closer to the lighthouse.

Our couple are so in love! We could tell that they just love spending time together. It was so lovely to watch 💗

Here’s a shot I helped with! I stood behind our bride, holding the veil, and threw it up in the air as our photographer snapped away! It took a few tries, but we finally got it!

One of the last shots of our couple looking back at the lighthouse as it lights up for the evening

Even though we couldn’t quite see the sun disappear into the horizon, our couple still really enjoyed spending time together making memories. We also really enjoyed helping them with creating those special moments!

Take a look at their wedding video below ↓

Thank you Mr & Mrs U for trusting us with capturing your wedding memories, and we wish you a lifetime of endless happiness 💕

Custom-Made Package
2 outfits + 3 add-on Options

Dresses: 91 white ballgown + 71 black A-line
Tuxedos: 33 beige + 38 navy

Options chosen:
① Drone videography
② Custom handheld videography
③ Sunset photoshoot

Photoshoot date:
End of April

Studio & Locations:
Seaside Yaka Studio + Zanpa Lighthouse

Ryukyu Wedding also accepts free online consultations.
Since it's by appointment, please register on our official LINE-Official first and text us! OR, We have Whats App as well to accepts free online consultations.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Author of this article

Hi! I'm Zarifah, Ryukyu Wedding's translator and graphic & album designer!

I'm fluent in English, Malay, and Japanese, and I'd be honored to help you create your perfect wedding memories 💌
